В. В. Семёнов
ВДИ Вестник древней истории. Москва.
ЖМНП Журнал Министерства народного просвещения. СПб.-Пг.
КСИА Краткие сообщения Института археологии АН СССР.
МЗГПИ Московский заочный государственный педагогический
институт. Москва.
АЕ L,Annйe йpigraphique. Paris.
AJA American Journal of Archaeology. New York.
BCH Bulletin de correspondance hellйnique. Paris.
BSA Annual of the British School at Athens. London.
CAH The Cambridge Ancient History. Cambridge.
ClR Classical Review. London.
DS Daremberg Ch., Saglio E. Dictionnaire des antiquites
grecques et romaines d' aprиs les texte et les monuments.
T. I - V. Paris, 1873 - 1919.
F Fontenrose J. Catalogue of Delphic Responses // Fontenrose
J. The Delphic Oracle: Its Responses and Operations with a
Catalogue of Responses. Berkeley, 1978. P. 240-416
(H - Historical Responses; Q - Quasi-Historical Responses;
L - Legendary Responses; F - Fictional Responses).
FHG Fragmenta historicorum Graecorum collegit, disposuit,
notis et prolegomenis illustravit, indicibus instruxit
C. Muellerus. Vol. I - V. Parisiis, 1841 - 1872.
GG Griechische Geschichte.
GRBS Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, Durham.
IA Iranica antiqua. Leiden.
IG2 Inscriptiones Graecae. Editio minor. Vol. I-III.
Berlin, 1913 - 1924.
JHS Journal of Hellenic Studies. London.
LSJ Liddell H.G., Scott R., Jones H.S. A Greek-English
Lexicon. Oxford, 1968.
ML Meiggs R., Lewis D. A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions.
Oxford, 1969.
P-W Parke H.W., Wormell D.E.W. The Delphic Oracle.
Vol. II. The Oracular Responses. Oxford, 1956.
RE Pauly's Real-Encyclopдdie der klassischen Altertumwissenschaft,
neue Bearbeitung, begonnen G. Wissowa, hrsg. von W. Kroll.
Stuttgart, 1894 - 1972.
TAPhA Transactions and Proceedings of the American
Philological Association. Missoula (Montana).
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